TECHNICALANALYSIS—A MUST BEFORE YOU INVEST BASICS In all probability, technical analysis is the well tested method of predicting the stock price based on certain factors which may differ pursuing the circumstances prevailed. Technical analysts have therefore a pivotal role to play here. He takes note of the past market, price of the stock and volume of the traded stocks daily or periodically to do the stock analysis and thereby forecast the probable price of stock. In practice on ground, technical analysis is done on the basis of the different models and trading patterns. The technical analysis is amply utilized by the intraday software developers who track it infallibly to arrive at conclusion. While trading with NIFTY FUTURE OR NIFTY OPTION, the technical analysis comes handy to see the developing future pattern of NIFTY CHARTS both periodical charts as well as nifty chart live. Even in intraday trade , the technical analysis exe...

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